Happy Friday everybody! Checking in again because I do appreciate your prayers for us every week.

This week got a bit closer to being ready for the school of ministry and worship. Doing a little more pre-work to get ready for interviews, which are going to start happening next week. We’re going to go to Gulu and hopefully that’ll be smooth sailing there and back. Thank you for praying for that trip and for the possible students who are going to come and talk to us.

This last week I had the monthly guinea pig meal with the ladies where I make them eat a vegan meal. We had sausages with airfryer french fries and cabbage salad. I think it was nice and we had a good time hanging out.

This weekend we start the class Biblical Foundations in the church here and with the staff. I’m excited for that and Peter’s going to be teaching. I think it’s going to be a really good and growing experience for people.

Today we got the sign installed for the church over on the corner where the new road is. Thank you to everyone who donated and helped make that a reality. Please pray that will be something God will use to bring more people into the church.

One last prayer request for Ann. She struggled a little bit with her health this week, would you please keep her covered in prayer.

Thanks and God bless you.

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